Contributions: The environment can consist of 360 images or videos complemented by an audio atmosphere to bring your target into the desired dimension. It is easy to navigate the path completed by icons for interacting with contributions such as videos, Live streaming videos, 3D models or animations, images in sequence, 360 photos, audio guides or Virtual Stuart for autonomous navigation, Pdf documents and links to any web page.
C.M.S. (content management system ) the autonomy also available for the customer to update some of their contributions if they wish.
Easy accessibility from any device. The platform is web based to ensure the use by all iOS, Android, Windows devices or viewers available on the market. It is easy to activate it from the customer’s site generating more traffic thanks to the virality of the experience, and integrate it with the customer’s Ecommerce platform.
Verification of visitor’s interest: Each visitor is active during every phase of the experience, acquiring information but at the same time communicating his preferences. The access can be done from a profiling form or from social channels to generate both elements of analysis of the target’s behavior and possible variation of the contents proposed to the target with a dynamic profiling, based on a marketing automation component or using the WEB Content Management System platform for updating the contents.
Open to other applications Virtual Showroom allows you to activate any web link to other web applications such as E-Com, trouble tickets, interaction with CRM and ERP, E-learning, collaboration project platform.
Field of use/Markets (3D tour) :
Industrial / Automotive, Safety, Health Care, Art / Museums.
Demo products: Industrial / Automotive, Retail, Fashion / Luxury, Furniture.
Events / fairs in attendance: Industrial / Automotive, Fashion / Luxury, Health care, Art / Museums, Furniture.
Project progress: Industrial / Automotive, Building Construction